April 16, 2024



Discover Fixley's innovative approach to property maintenance management.

Beyond Software

Fixley transcends traditional software by integrating expert human oversight with advanced technology, providing a superior property maintenance management experience.

Our unique hybrid approach enhances every work order with precision and personalized care, ensuring that we meet and exceed the high standards of property managers and tenants alike. This commitment to excellence goes beyond mere automation, adding value and driving success for your business.

Tailored Solutions

At Fixley, we reject a one-size-fits-all approach, tailoring our solutions to meet the unique requirements and expectations of each property manager, ensuring personalized, effective property maintenance management.

Expert Oversight

Each work order is overseen by experienced professionals who ensure that every aspect of the maintenance process is conducted efficiently and to high standards.

Personalized Service

Fixley offers tailored solutions that adapt to the specific needs and policies of each property manager, ensuring a perfect fit for diverse operational requirements.

Active Vendor Management

Fixley streamlines the process of managing vendors by ensuring they meet rigorous standards for quality and reliability. Our Service facilitates vendor selection, onboarding, performance monitoring, and compliance checks.

24/7 Support

Fixley provides round-the-clock support for both property managers and tenants through multiple communication channels, ensuring quick responses and continuous availability for any issues or inquiries.

Your Satisfaction. Our Mission.

We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication

At Fixley, we are grounded in the belief that hard work and dedication are key to excellence.

Our team embodies these principles in every task, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations through continuous improvement and unwavering commitment to quality.

This dedication is what sets us apart in providing top-tier property maintenance management.

Partner with fixley

Real Solutions

Discover Fixley: Elevate your property management with our innovative platform that combines automated efficiency and expert oversight for superior maintenance solutions.

Do you want to improve your business?

we can do it together


Let's have a chat

Learn how Fixley boosts maintenance efficiency and tenant satisfaction.